Batman is a superhero who appears in various comic books published by DC comics. Batman is the alias of Bruce Wayne who has sworn vengeance against criminals after witnessing the murder of his parents. Batman has had many different comics, TV shows and films and a variety of spin-offs.
The Batman films of 1989 – 1997 has become a classic for superhero films, while The Knight trilogy with Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne was very popular.
Most recently Robert Pattinson has portrayed Bruce Wayne in The Batman directed by Mat Reeves. The Batman reboots the film franchise and sees him in his second year fighting crime in Gotham City. In the film he pursues the Ridder, a mysterious serial killer targeting the city’s elite.
The film grossed $772.2million (budget $200 million) making it a commercial success!
I watched The Batman recently and, though sometimes I struggled with its low light; I was very impressed by the special effects.
Robert Pattinson did a great job as Batman as well. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys action and superhero films. Personally, I would give it 4 out of 5 stars and would watch it again!
The sequel titled The Batman – Part II was announced in April 2022 and filming is set to start in April 2025, while its release is planned for October 2026.
By Gary Steele
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