While the hub is closed we want to stay connected.

We'd love to see what everyone's getting up to. 
So we're going to post pictures and messages for everyone to see on the blog.

A call for submissions... If you would like to share a photo of something you've made, a piece of art, a cake you baked, a story or poem, a joke or anything else please email

Staff will also share things that they would like customers to see, and maybe some activities that can be done at home.

Feel free to comment on the posts and get a discussion going!

We might not be able to see each other face to face but that doesn't mean we cant have fun and keep in touch!

You can sign up for email notifications in the menu top right or check back here soon.

Capability Scotland will only post photographs including customers if the appropriate consent forms are in place, these are not required for pictures of other things or written work, we will use first names and initials only. 
