Sports day

The Service users decided they would like to organise a Sports Day, this was planned in our Wednesday community group.

Our Sports Day took place on Wednesday at the Jack Kane Centre.

In the morning we had a fundraising event which consisted of tombola stall, Raffles, Hook the Duck, Guess the baby picture, Guess how many sweets in the jar. We had tea and coffee on offer throughout the day to buy, and Alan McFarlane kindly donated a buffet of various food which was enjoyed by all, thank you Alan.

In the afternoon the Service users were split into four teams to compete in their sports day activities which were, relay race, egg and spoon and beat the goalie. Each team was presented with a medal for their efforts throughout the day.

As part of the entertainment our service manager Ben took part in the  wet sponge throwing game, the service users found this very funny.

Well done to everyone who took part in the day and thank you to all who organised, we raised a grand total of £555 on the day!.
